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Our services

JK e-solutions Aps offers a broad range of services related to development and production of electronic and electrical systems. We are specialized in electronics for the industrial and maritime/off-shore sectors.

  • Hardware/software design

Our core competencies. Design and implementation of electronics and related software, primarily for industrial and marine use. Redesign / updating existing products. Analog and digital electronics. Low-power (battery-powered) electronics. Software is typically real-time systems / embedded software (not computer software).

  • Prototyping

Construction / installation of prototypes, either 100% by us, or with the help of subcontractors

  • Environmental test, e.g. EMC

Advice on the design, implementation, and testing phase of development projecets. Support regarding EMC test at test house.

(EMC = Electronic Magnetic Compatiblity is an important issue to take into account when developing electronics today due to demand from the European Union and / or other authorities)

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